Community Action

All Community interactions and community awareness building processes lead finally to some form of community action and there many examples of sustained community action. In all these process SOCHARA team members and fellows along with SOCHARA partners and associates play a catalyst or facilitator role. The components of most of these efforts include the following:

  • Dialogue with community to identify their suggestions for problem solving
  • Planning the action with the community to make it community led
  • Supporting the community to monitor processes and programmes which may be government led, NGO determined or community  led
  • Supporting community in Health Promotion Action at Community level
  • Supporting communities in health rights action, including jan sunwais

Some good examples of community action from SOCHARA’s experience:

  1.         Sanitation
  2.         Malaria action plan of Mangalore Mahanagara Parisarasaktha Okkuta
  3.         Community Monitoring and Community Action in Tamil Nadu
  4.         Malaria Kala Jatha in Tumkur
  5.         Right to primary Health care campaign in Karnataka.